VSO DOWNLOADER 6 public beta

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Jacques (VSO)
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VSO DOWNLOADER 6 public beta

Post by Jacques (VSO) »


Today, we have decided to publicly release our long awaited VSO DOWNLOADER 6.

This is a complete rewrite of the software from the scratch, and our very small team of 2 developer (Julien and me) are working on it since 18 month.

We are not fully happy with the result, so we release it in BETA state, and we are aware that there is still things that we need to improve with the current version. However, we feel our users have waited way too long for something, so we didn't wanted another year without any major update.

So here it is, and we will continue to improve it based on user feedbacks and experience.

This major release include many features that was not existing in previous version, such as :

* 64 bits - Our code is now 100% 64 bits
* Compatible with all recent video format such as google's VP8, VP9, AV1
* Full support to download entire playlists
* Full support to download live stream
* Full support to download subtitles (including automatic subtitles when available)
* Stop and resume download at any time
* Autodetection improved (less false detection, faster browsing experience)
* Brand new user interface with magnification and improved accessibility
* Conversion to standard video and audio formats integrated
* keep audio only
* Audio normalisation
* Compatibility with VPN solutions
* Many more website supported compared to previous version.
* Fully automated update system, most of the time update don't even require a restart of the software
* Simplified activation process with support of login from user's social network account
* Macintosh and Linux version to be available soon (see below)

We also wanted to make this major release useful for anyone, so we have softened a lot our evaluation policies, the only limit is on the number of simultaneous download, and a delay before the download start. Every limitation on the duration of the downloaded content has been removed so the software is fully operational even for free users.

Of course, registered users have all the limitations removed, and help us to keep this complex and very update-demanding software up to date.

License purchase for this major release are not ready yet, it will be deployed in the beginning of the year 2022. In the meantime, all unlock keys for previous versions will work if they are in their validity period.

There autodetection is a work in progress that we will improve as the time goes by, this feature is cool but it's the most complex one of the software, as it involves a local proxy to capture/inspect all the http/https traffic that passes on the computer, and a complex analysis of the captured data.

No more talks, this beta is opened to anyone through a simple registration process.


Enjoy !

NOTE: Linux and MacOS version are not yet available as the autodetection is not fully implemented, so we have limited so far this beta to the Windows 64 bits version only. We will open the beta for those operating system as soon as possible, probably in Q1 2022
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Re: VSO DOWNLOADER 6 public beta

Post by Cougar_II »

Hello VSO,

It was an honour for me to have been able to help VSO since the very 1st Alpha revision.
VSO have listened to us & added features and details we wished in all the stages…

I am happy to see that other amazing users will have a chance to try the amazing v6 even in a beta build.

Thank you so much, keep up the hard much appreciated work to the VSO team…

Your Canadian friend & beta tester since many decades now :D :D
VSO Software Golden Membership Proud Owner / VSO Software Beta Tester
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