I suggest NOT to upgrade to v1.0.0.57 until VSO checks something !!!

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I suggest NOT to upgrade to v1.0.0.57 until VSO checks something !!!

Post by Cougar_II »


Please I suggest NOT to upgrade to v1.0.0.57 until VSO checks something !!!

A bug report was sent to VSO, let's see what they say !

Upgrade failed on 2 machines and full installer failed, I do not want you to have issues ....

Enjoy v1.0.0.56 for now :)
My 2 cents...
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Re: DO NOT UPGRADE to v1.0.0.57 until VSO checks something !!!

Post by owdjim »

Upgrading to .57 worked ok for me today (February 18) and fixed the problem with my files with "bad" audio layout.

Cheers, Chris
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Re: DO NOT UPGRADE to v1.0.0.57 until VSO checks something !!!

Post by Cougar_II »


If someone had the issues I had, upgrade failed in the middle, and they are not good with computers, it would probably mess up their installation. It failed me on 2 computers :(

I am very happy the upgrade worked for you…

All the details are in the bug report: https://bugs.vso-software.fr/view.php?id=14348

Here is what Jacques mentioned:

This can occur when the program is "zombie", ie when it is not yet completely shut down and is still resident in memory therefore obstruct the installer to install a new version.

The VBS script we use for automatic installation is there to ensure a sequence of events for auto installation :
1 - wait for the calling application to shut down
2 - start the downloaded installer in elevated mode
3 - once the installation is finished, delete the downloaded installer and restart the software

I assume that we put a kind of timeout in the step 1 and proceed anyway after the timeout elapse therefore, we can end up with an installation blocked by a zombie process.

the main culprit in this situation being the inability of the software to be shut down properly. This is what we will need to investigate.
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Re: I suggest NOT to upgrade to v1.0.0.57 until VSO checks something !!!

Post by Cougar_II »

Hello everyone,

I have not heard back from VSO on this issue !
Have you upgraded to v1.0.0.57 ?

Did it work without issues ?
Ohhh you HAD issues ?
I wish to get some statistics for VSO.

I had issues on 2 machines so to resolve this issue, I uninstalled VSO UHD, rebooted, manually removed the UHDConveter.exe file (using admin rights) then re-installed v1.0.0.57 FRESH 100% CLEAN.

v1.0.0.56 is available here:

https://www.vso-software.fr/products/uh ... /index.php
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