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Project terminated mid encode

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:35 pm
by HAMsmoke
I am trying to convert 5 video files (m4v) to a single Blu Ray disk. The first 4 are relatively short at 6-7 minutes each, and the final one is 117 minutes. No matter what I do, which includes using/not using QuickSync hardware or software, the program, after encoding the first two files, self terminates. It does not matter if I switch the order of the files. If I use 2 or 4 instances of the encoder, it will fail as soon as it tries to start the next file, so either failing when it tries to start file #3 or file #5. The error message is something like project terminated by user. Huh?

This is using the latest updates -, and tried ConvertXtoHD as well What is very strange is that if I convert to a DVD rather than a Blu Ray, the process completes and I burn the DVD. I never get to a burning stage with BluRay, so that is not the issue.

Could use a little help or advice.

Re: Project terminated mid encode

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 8:35 pm
by HAMsmoke
Update - I tried the identical project using Kronos Open GL software acceleration rather than any QuickSync. While taking about 3 times as long, judging by the framerate of encoding), the project went through to completion and burned a Blu Ray.

I am using the latest Quicksynch drivers, so my guess is something could be better in the VSO software when it comes to utilizing QuickSync hardware acceleration. As I mentioned, a competitive product has no issue with this project using QuickSynch hardware acceleration.

Next test will be to use QuickSync software acceleration.


Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 6:31 am
by wtin
If you have a GTX (Nvidia) card, have you tried CUDA setting?

Last few versions worked, but the current one crashes on me, so I switched to NVENC and that works.

OpenCL works for me. QuickSync is too slow (I guess it's done by the CPU).

Also, I set the maximum bitrate to 30,000,000. Lowering it didn't change.

I have GTX 1080 with i7 Intel and 32 G of RAM. Windows 10 64 bit.

Re: Project terminated mid encode

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 4:49 pm
by HAMsmoke
Unfortunately, no - I am running on my Kaby Lake I7 laptop with 16 gig RAM, but only the Intel 620 graphics chipset, so it's QuickSync or Kronos. Quicksync hardware fails all the time. It starts fine, encoding as many instances as I choose, up to 4, but as soon as it starts a new title (after the ones that start originally, and it doesn't matter if I started with one, two, or four), it quits. Sure Kronos works, but at a max framerate of about 60 fps whereas QuickSync hardware can get up to 200 fps at times.