Make ConvertX speak like Vader, the Simpsons, Breaking bad

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Make ConvertX speak like Vader, the Simpsons, Breaking bad

Post by Annelise »

To customize your favorite program and make it event more fun, why not add a funny voice instead of the "classic" notifications?
ConvertXtoDVD, VSO Video Converter, Blu-ray Converter Ultimate and DVD Converter have audio notifications for main events: in case an action is needed on your part, there is a problem, the conversion is finished, a DVD needs to be inserted...
If you don't like them, you can replace them by any sound file of your own.
To make things easier for you, we've compiled a selection of famous sentences from Lord Vader, Bugs Bunny, Homer Simpson, the monty Python and Looney Tunes in the attached file.

Download compiled selection of voice notifications:
(896.03 KiB) Downloaded 3474 times
(Once downloaded, unzip the folder. If you do not have a tool already installed to do this you can download Winrar, free for personal use. To unzip, once Winrar is installed, right click on "Voices" select "extract files" and select the location you want to extract them to. Default voice notifications are stored here C:\Program Files\VSO\common\sounds.)

For each of the voice notifications, you'll find 4 audio files for each notification (I left out the "please insert media to continue", as I couldn't fnd any matching audio)

To insert them into the software, very simple: in ConvertXtoDVD, go to "General settings", then "Sound Events", In VSO Video Converter, Blu-ray Converter Ultimate and DVD Converter, go to Settings/ Sound events:

for ConvertX:

You will see a line for each voice event. To change the default file and add your own, simply click on the folder with the music note icon, browse for your file and click on the green play icon to check your selection. Don't forget to click on OK!

Remember: you can turn off the voice notifications altogether by UNticking the "Play sound event" box
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Re: Make ConvertX speak like Vader, the Simpsons, Monty Pyth

Post by Annelise »

End of Year Special!!!

Give a little festive feeling to your software and use this Season's greetings audio files instead of the regular voice notifications.

A selection of xmas carols and sound effect are included in this zip file: ...

Have Santa say "ho ho ho" when your conversion is done, and many more!
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Re: Make ConvertX speak like Vader, the Simpsons, Breaking b

Post by Annelise »

New additional voices pack: a great selection of quotes from the shows Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones!

Fancy Jesse Pinkman telling you your attention is required ? Or the Lannister sending their regards when the conversion is done ? Replace the standard voice notifications with famous quotes from the characters of these two shows

Download the quotes (in MP3 format) in this .rar file : ... series.rar
(You can use the free Winzip to open the .rar file)

To install them refer to the guide in the post above.

Here are the quotes in the pack. Feel free to choose your favourite quotes for the different voice notifiacations: process completed, question, writable DVD required, problem detected, update available.

Breaking Bad: Say my name, Saul Goodman, Short theme, Yeah Mister white, Yeach bitch, I am the one who knocks, Break bad, Biatch, Better call saul,I'm in the empire business, We're done when we say you're done and main theme

GOT: Winter is coming, Valar Morghulis, You win or you die, You know nothing Jon Snow, What is dead may never die, A lannisert always pays its debt, Not today, The lannister send their regards, Happy ending , Swing the sword and main theme.

**In the pack you'll find the theme music for both shows that you can install on your phone and use as a ringtone!! the shorter quotes can also be used as text message notification!**

for a more detailed guide on how to install on your phone or make your own ringtone from video files, please check out this post from our blog:
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